Going Circular Going Cellulose (GC)2

Going Circular Going Cellulose is the followup research of Going Eco Going Dutch in which ArtEZ Future Makers works together with Saxion and various projectpartners in the textile and clothing chain.
Sustainability and circular economy are important themes in the textile and clothing chain. Many companies want to make more sustainable products, but do not know how. Sustainability requires a circular supply chain, in which very different norms and values apply than in the linear production chain. In the RAAK-SME project Going Eco, Going Dutch (GEGD) a start has been made with discovering the possibilities and difficulties of a circular textile supply chain. This was done by investigating whether a circular supply chain could be set up around locally produced sustainable fibers. In the previous project Going Eco Going Dutch (GEGD) a good start has been made, resulting in the creation of an interactive process of co-creation. But in this research not all methodological aspects of such a process could be investigated.
Going Circular, Going Cellulose investigates what effective development methods are within a circular supply chain. In this research we use an interactive co-creation process to adapt the technical design of yarns (based on sustainable cellulose fibers, such as recycled cotton and hemp) and fabrics (functionality of the sustainable materials). The aim is to make it meet the wishes and requirements of designers of textile endproducts. The designers play an important role in making the sustainable products widely accessible due to the aesthetic design of the products. In addition, it is of great importance for designers to develop more technical material knowledge and to be involved in material development at an early stage; this is essential for an actual circular design process.
Through mutual interaction between all stakeholders in the supply chain, the technical design can strengthen the aesthetic design and vice versa. The research will focus on how the stakeholders in the circular supply chain must work together and what knowledge they need to exchange in order to actually realize this synergy.
Final report circular design workpackage ‘Circular Intimacies’
Projectreport ‘Recommendations for a Circular Design Practice’
Project news:
Going Circular Going Cellulose – workseminar