Composing the new Carpet

Duration: juni 2015 – mei 2017
Partners: Modint, Food & Biobased Research /WUR, Bonar, IPKW
Designers: Eric Klarenbeek, Marcel Kronenburg, Siem + Pabon, Tjeerd Veenhoven, Richard Vijgen
Financed by: Provincie Gelderland
Composing the New Carpet is a research project by the Centre of Expertise Future Makers ArtEZ working together with Modint, product designers, carpet manufacturers such as Bonar and WageningenUR.The research project will contribute towards the innovation capacity of carpet manufacturers, and acquaint them with the creative network and relevant knowledge institutes in the region. It will also offer designers (students and alumni) an opportunity to link their talents to concrete design issues in the business world, and acquaint them with the requirements, constraints and opportunities presented by circular production systems.
The project is supported by the province of Gelderland and the municipality of Arnhem.
Project updates:
Conference Composing the New Carpet