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Article in Texpress: ‘Sustainability is Necessary!’



Researchers Theresia Grevinga and Anton Luiken wrote an article in the Dutch magazine Texpress about the necessity of sustainability within the fashion industry. Emphasizing that the fashion industry needs to change its damaging habits. The textile industry is becoming aware of the impact on our environment, as well as the awareness that the labour conditions in third world countries need to be improved desperately. Apart of the effects on the world one also need to think about the immense overproduction, one third of the clothing is not sold and remnants will be sold for extremely low prizes or burned.
Innovation within every aspect of the fashion chain is necessary. The current participants within the industry aren’t transparent and change is much needed.

The SIA-RAAK-project ‘Going Eco, Going Dutch’ is creating more sustainability within the Dutch fashion industry by creating collaborations between local companies and institutions such as Saxion, ArtEZ and Alcon Advies. Together they manufacture locally produced fibres, which will be made into yarns, woven and knitted materials. The results are high quality fabrics that can be used for the fashion and interior industry. The project contributes to the circular textile chain.

Going Eco, Going Dutch focuses on upsycling of recycled materials in combination with alternative fibres such as hemp, flax and wool. The local production is the major key within the project and every stakeholder within the fashion chain is researched. Using the alternative fibres creates an interesting question: can these materials compete with the more traditional fashion fibres? Several fashion brands connected to the project are testing the possibilities of the material.

Besides the much-needed improvements within the fashion chain it is also important to explore the role of the customer. Are they willing to pay more money when they are aware of the sustainability of the product? Going Eco, Going Dutch also researches the way the consumer needs to be approached. The project focuses on the way sustainable produced products need to be placed within the current market to succeed.

Whilst researching all the stakeholders, Going Eco, Going Dutch also looks at the design process and making it as transparent as possible. Design4Recycle looks at how products can return in the fashion chain to be reused. Recycle in Design works with as much recycled material as possible. Via this research all options are explored.

The first results of Going Eco, Going Dutch will be presented during Arnhem Fashion Festival, Fashion Week Nederland and/or Berlin Fashion Week. Results will also be used in the course of study of the participating educational institutions.


  • Texperium,
  • Stexfibers
  • De Reuver
  • Van den Acker
  • Producer: I-did
  • Fashion brands:
    • Beddinghouse
    • Collectie MeH/ ’t Niejboer
    • Maison the Faux
    • Moyzo
    • Tous les Chéris
  • Provincie Gelderland.

This is a summary of the Dutch article written by Theresia Grevinga and Anton Luiken.