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Kick-off meeting The Future of Living Materials


As a kick-off project of The Future of Living Materials, students from Wageningen University worked on the ACT-project The New Luxury: creating new sustainable value chains for fashion, product & interior design. The first kick-off meeting took place on Thursday the 7th of September.

This project is about searching for the new luxury (no waste, sustainable materials, re-use). Within this project, students want to research the local available, natural materials in order to make sustainable materials for printing and extruding technology. Three designers  – Eric Klarenbeek (Studio Eric Klarenbeek), Lilian van Daal and Tjeerd Veenhoven – are experimenting with new, sustainable materials, like for instance seaweed (algae), pine cones and tulips and will share their expertise with the students involved. The students are asked to perform a feasibility study on how to improve the production of useful materials for printing and extruding out of seaweed (algae), pine cones, tulips (and other natural materials). Beside this, students are asked to give an advice on how to create a sustainable value chain for these kind of natural materials and thus sharing their expertise with the designers.

The pictures below give an impression of the first, and very valuable, meeting.